American Engineering Consultants provides the staff and resources to manage the construction and administration of projects of all sizes and scope. Our Construction & Administration department provides professional Construction Management services to AEC projects as well as other firms and clients.
Bidding & Award Administration
Construction/Contract Management
Engineer-Led Design/Build
Contract Scheduling
Facilities Planning
Construction Observation
Loan/Grant Administration
Plant Start-Up
Project Management Services
Construction Inspection
Project Scheduling
NPDES Stormwater Compliance Inspections
The Avenues Waterline Replacement
Design and construction oversight for the replacement of nearly 50 miles, or 262,000 LF, of existing water lines, including replacement of the existing Glenn Street Elevated Water Tank with a new 1,000,000 gallon elevated water tank. Services include the preparation and submittal of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Application and construction phase loan administration. This project consisted of 7 divisions, each division having different general contractors with multiple subcontractors working under them. AEC manages an information help line for the community to call or email with questions and concerns, wherein all inquiries are monitored and promptly addressed.
Hilton Field Parking Lot and Road Improvements at Fort Jackson
Civil engineering, survey services, and construction administration services to provide parking lot and roadway improvements at Fort Jackson. A new asphalt parking lot was constructed at Hilton Field, an unpaved bus loop was re-graded and paved, and a new pavement section installed, and existing roadways were widened. Additional services provided included grading, storm drainage and erosion control.
Security Perimeter Netting System
Surveying, design and construction services for the installation of the Security Perimeter Netting Systems around the exterior perimeter fences at eleven (11) SC Department of Corrections institutions.
Lower Richland Wastewater Treatment Facility Replacement
AEC was retained by Richland County for an engineer-led design/build project of a new 1.0 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility to service lower Richland County due to catastrophic structural damage in a portion of its existing WWTP. The work consisted of structures, equipment, site work, yard piping, mechanical piping, electrical and all necessary appurtenances for a complete wastewater treatment facility.
Broad River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant
Cost evaluation of proposed design of a 6 MGD WWTP Expansion for Richland County Public Works in order to provide recommendations on reducing construction costs, including the possibility of redesigning, to bring project within budget. The project also included construction management services during the construction of the WWTP.
Designing the Future on a Foundation of Expertise for Over 30 Years