Due to the growth of urban areas and the change of land use, Stormwater Management has become a key component of being environmentally responsible. AEC uses updated approaches to maintain water quality, ecosystem health and groundwater resources for counties and municipalities.


Surface Hydrology

Stormwater Capital Improvements

Drainage Studies

Program Management

Stormwater System Design

Storm Drainage System Analysis

Watershed Master Planning

Floodplain /Floodway Analysis & Mapping

Erosion Control/BMP Design

No Rise Certification

NPDES Stormwater Permitting

Groundwater Hydrology


University of South Carolina Rocky Branch Flood Study

Project involved the development of a Stormwater Management Plan in order to evaluate the impact of future campus improvements in relation to the storm water discharge into the branch. The Plan will be used to develop a flood mitigation plan, which will focus on those areas of the campus which historically experience frequent flooding from the Rocky Branch floodplain.

Irmo Chapin Seven Oaks Recreation Facility Improvements

AEC provided improvements to the recreational facility to include a grading and drainage plan, erosion and sediment control plan, and an updated Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3).

Pepper Branch Mine Sediment and Erosion Control

Engineering services to determine an appropriate location for a single or multiple stormwater basins in order to provide sediment and erosion control at the Pepper Branch Mine in Aiken County, SC.

SC Metrology Lab

Topographic, as-built and existing conditions survey of 4 acre site of proposed metrology lab. Included grading and drainage plan, erosion and sediment control plan, storm drainage profiles, encroachment permit, zoning plan and water/wastewater plan. Preparation of landscaping and irrigation plan using the landscaping sub-consultants, Kenneth B. Simmons & Associates. Managed project bidding and award, construction administration and observation, and final certification and approval.

Peanut Inspection Building at State Farmers Market

Engineering and surveying services related to the construction of a new building located within the footprint of a previous greenhouse. Services included stormwater and grading design to correct improper drainage and flooding.

Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School Drainage Improvements

Design of the piping of a portion of an existing stormwater ditch, from Pine Knoll Street to Boston Avenue, to reduce the potential erosion and provide for better maintenance.

City of Cayce Avenues Drainage Improvements Phase I

Design for the replacement of three separate existing SCDOT roadway drainage culvert crossings, each with improved 60-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe culverts. The culvert improvements provide additional stormwater flow capacity to mitigate roadway overtopping and property damage that are currently resulting from the existing undersized drainage culverts. Services include stormwater hydrologic/hydraulic analysis and design, roadway design, utility coordination, SCDOT encroachment permitting, easement acquisition assistance, land disturbance permitting, US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permitting, bid/award, and construction management/observation. This project represents the first phase in a multi-year program of stormwater improvements in the City of Cayce’s Avenues Neighborhood, and stems from previous evaluation studies performed by AEC. These improvements are being funded by a grant from the Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA). AEC also assisted the City with the RIA grant application.

Watch the Culvert Headwall Installation Timelapse Video

SC State Campus Stormwater Drainage Feasibility Study

Evaluation of the storm drainage system in 3 distinct areas of the South Carolina State University campus. Available LIDAR topographic data was utilized to determine drainage areas associated with each system and individual catch basins. The gathered information will be compiled to create a computer model of the various storm water conveyance systems to evaluate how the system functions during various storm events. As part of the modeling, previous known storm events will be reviewed to determine if system model will replicate the effects observed by the University. Once this evaluation is completed, possible remedies to the current flooding issues will be modeled. These remedies may include additional catch basins, additional pipes, increase pipe size and underground storage. Potential remedies will be reviewed with the University and an Estimate of Probable Cost will be prepared for each subject area.

SC Department of Administration Columbia Mills Storm Drainage Investigation

Evaluation of pavement and storm drainage issues at Columbia Mills. An exploratory investigation was performed in order to determine the cause of a small hole in the asphalt pavement near a stormwater catch basing along Williams Street. Existing pavement was removed in the subject area and excavation in the area of the catch basin was performed to determine the potential pathway for the soil that had been washed away.

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